Etiquette for Today Web Site

Janet Parnes, Etiquette Consultant, had a website that needed updates and enhancements throughout. Much of her content was already there, but she wanted to add a new level of polish to the look and feel of the site so it would showcase her offerings to people of all ages: professionals and college students launching their careers as well as teenagers, and children. I’ve personally attended several of her presentations and cannot recommend them highly enough. They’re educational while at the same time a lot of FUN!
As a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington® Janet’s expertise is well-established; we wanted to be sure to get that message out to her site visitors. The value of good manners and civility are immeasurable for people who want to succeed, and Janet’s programs and consulting provides the perfect path to “etiquette enlightenment!”
If you visit Janet’s site, be sure to sign up for her famous “Manners in a Minute” eNewsletter — they’re interesting and a real eye-opener. Indispensable!
Visit the Etiquette for Today Web Site